Monday, September 30, 2019

How to Make a Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Tiayna Bradford BRADFORD 1 Mary Jo M. Keiter English 051 Oct 18, 2012 How to make a grilled cheese sandwich on an electric stove. First you need to make sure that you have all the things needed for this process. 1. Frying pan 2. Bread 3. Butter or Margarine 4. Butter knife 5. Cheese 6. PlateFirst you take out two pieces of bread and lay them on your plate. Then you open up the butter, get the butter knife; put some butter on the knife, then spread it on one side of the bread. Make sure that the side you put the butter on is the side down. The other side of the bread that is faces up; put two slices of cheese on it. After you put the cheese on it; put piece bread on it, then spread butter on that side too.When that part is done, turn the stove on number four; so that it is not up to high; or to low. Place the frying pan on the eye that you turned on. Once it gets hot put the sandwich in the pan. You can put a lid on it to make it cook faster or just leave it open. Let it cook for lik e two minutes and then turn it to the other side and repeat the same thing. Once you see that the bread is brown a little, you can take it out using a spactula. It is then ready to eat. How to Make a Grilled Cheese Sandwich My Recipe For Grilled Cheese Sandwiches Topic: How to make grilled cheese sandwiches. Audience: Parents that need to cook something quick for there children. Purpose: To teach someone how to make a grilled cheese sandwich. Format: An expository paragraph. ——————————————————————————————————————— You will need: An electric frying pan, 2 slices of bread (preferably white), (softened) butter, and some cheese of your choice Step 1.Plug in and pre-heat the electric frying pan to 400 degrees fahrenheit. Step 2. Take your butter and spread it on one side of both pieces of bread. Step 3. Then you need the cheese (if you are cutting it of a block, 1 eighth of an inch is my recommended thickness) But I like to use singles chee se slices with mine. Step 4. Place your cheese in-between the un-buttered sides of your bread so that the buttered sides are facing out. Step 5. When your electric frying pan is fully heated, place the sandwich on it. Step 6.Let it sit for around 3 minutes, if you want a panini style sandwich, then you can lightly press on the sandwich with a a spatchula while it's cooking. Step 7. Then flip it and let the other side sit for only about 2 and a half minutes. Step 8. Then it's done! Step 9. If you want to make it better, try adding Ketchup on the side, along with a pickle. Step 10. Part of the process of making anything is the clean up so don't forget to put away everything, including turning off and unplugging the electric frying pan. Step 11. Eat up! By: Adam Brice

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Indigenous Health Essay

The poor health position of Indigenous Australians is a contemporary reflection of their historical treatment as Australia’s traditional owners. This treatment has led to Indigenous Australians experiencing social disadvantages, significantly low socio-economic status, dispossession, poverty and powerlessness as a direct result of the institutionalised racism inherent in contemporary Australian society. Indigenous populations have been the carers and custodians of Australia and the Torres Strait for a period in excess of 60,000 years before being invaded/colonialised by the British on January 26, 1788 (Hampton & Toombs, Racism, colonisation/colonialism and impacts on indigenous people, 2013). Before this time, it is suggested that Indigenous Australians lived relatively affluent lives and enjoyed generally better health than most people living in Europe (Hampton & Toombs, Indigenous Australian concepts of health and well-being, 2013). The arrival of introduced diseases, especially smallpox, caused considerable loss of life among Indigenous Australians. The impact of this is loss extended far beyond the immediate victims of disease, affecting the very fabric of Indigenous societies through depopulation and social disruption (MacRae, et al. , 2012). Whilst introduced diseases were the most substantial part of the Indigenous Australians mortality, death caused by direct conflict also contributed significantly (Elder, 2003). Traditionally, Indigenous Australians had complete autonomy over all parts of their lives such as, ceremonies, spiritual practices, medicine, social relationships, management of land and law and economic undertakings (Saggers & Gray, 1991). In addition to the impacts of introduced diseases and conflict, Indigenous Australians also experienced ill effects related to disconnection from Country due to the spread of colonists and their subsequent political policies. For an Indigenous Australian, Country is not just physical territory but the central aspect of their identity (Hampton & Toombs, Racism, colonisation/colonialism and impacts on indigenous people, 2013). Occupation and colonialism impacted far beyond the physical, as Indigenous Australians had their culture devalued, traditional food sources destroyed, and were separated from their families and in some cases entire communities were dispossessed. This led to disruption or loss of languages, beliefs and social structures which form the underlying basis of Indigenous cultures. These impacts, prompted British colonists to develop several different political policies of institutionalised racism to address the real and perceived issues regarding Indigenous Australians. The first of these policies was Protectionism (1788 – 1890’s). Prior to Protectionism British colonies practiced exclusion as they assumed ‘Terra Nullius’ and seized control of the land, evicting Indigenous Australians from their traditional Country. The negative impacts this had on Indigenous Australians eventually forced colonial authorities to establish â€Å"Aboriginal ‘protection’ boards† (Hampton & Toombs, Racism, colonisation/colonialism and impacts on indigenous people, 2013). The first was established in Victoria by the Aboriginal Protection Act of 1869, with the other colonies following with similar legislation, to ‘protect’ Indigenous populations within their boundaries (Parliament of Victoria, 1869). The ‘protection’ provided under the various Acts imposed enormous restrictions on the lives of many Indigenous Australians. These restrictions included dictating where Indigenous Australians could live and not live, and set out limitations on movement, marriage, employment, earnings and ownership of property. The child welfare provisions of the Acts underpinned the removal of Aboriginal children from their families and communities ‘by compulsion, duress or undue influence’ (State Library of Victoria, 2014). The National Inquiry into the separation of the children concluded that ‘between one-in-three and one-in-ten Indigenous children were forcibly removed from their families and communities in the period from approximately 1910 until 1970’ (Wilkie, 1997). It was the 1960s, at the earliest, when the various ‘protection’ Acts were either abolished or discontinued. In the early 1890’s, protectionism gave way to state and commonwealth government regimes of segregation. In the development of the constitution, politicians included sections specifically excluding Indigenous Australians, such as the white Australia policy, ensuring that racism became entrenched in the new nation’s future. Reserves and missions were set up far from white settlements, to exclude and control Indigenous Australians, especially those of mixed descent (Hampton & Toombs, Racism, colonisation/colonialism and impacts on indigenous people, 2013). By the 1950’s all state governments invoked a new policy called assimilation (1950’s – 1960’s), which aimed to eliminate Indigenous cultures, religion and languages. Assimilation was based on the belief that if living conditions were improved, Indigenous Australians were to be absorbed into White Australian society (Hampton & Toombs, Racism, colonisation/colonialism and impacts on indigenous people, 2013). After the failure of the assimilation policy, governments aimed their sights towards Integration (1960’s – 1980’s). Integration was a step towards multiculturalism by allowing Indigenous Australians and non-Anglo European immigrants to keep certain aspects of their culture whilst conforming to mainstream white Australian society. During 1970’s Indigenous Australians were beginning to become acknowledged as Australian citizens, this led to the development of the self-determination and self-management (1970’s-1990’s) programs (Hampton & Toombs, Racism, colonisation/colonialism and impacts on indigenous people, 2013). These policies were based on the slow acceptance of multiculturalism and the beginnings of Indigenous Australians involvement in Australian politics, although the actual amount of self-determination available to them was limited. When these polices were found to be ineffective the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation (CAR) was established in 1992 to overcome differences and inequities between Indigenous Australians and the wider Australian community (Hampton & Toombs, Racism, colonisation/colonialism and impacts on indigenous people, 2013). The Reconciliation movement (1990’s-present) seeks to advocate for Indigenous Australians rights, their place in our shared history and to establish economic independence among Indigenous Australians in order to promote equality for all Australians (Hampton & Toombs, Racism, colonisation/colonialism and impacts on indigenous people, 2013). Whilst government policy appears to be moving in the right direction, we are still a long way away from Indigenous autonomy and self-determination. All of these policies had a very detrimental effect on the health of Indigenous Australians both in terms of physical and mental health issues, many of which have continued through to contemporary times. Perhaps the most poignant of these impacts are those that have resulted from the Stolen Generations. There is much dispute surrounding when colonial authorities began removing Indigenous children from their families and communities, although many experts believe that it was very soon after the establishment of the British colony in Australia (Duffy, 2000). Children with Indigenous mothers were seen to be legally ‘neglected’ at birth, and removed from their families, communities and in most cases their culture, to be ‘raised right’ up until the latter part of the 20th Century (Hampton & Toombs, Racism, colonisation/colonialism and impacts on indigenous people, 2013). Because of these practises, many Indigenous Australians have deep psychological and mental health issues that continue to plague them today. Modern literature tells of many instances of suicide and ongoing identity issues, emerging from the torment of being disconnected from family, culture and country. The status of Indigenous Health has been impacted severely by the Stolen Generations and other past Government practises. For many Indigenous Australians, the ongoing effects of ‘protection’ and the forced separation of children from their families compound other social, emotional and physical disadvantages (Wilkinson & Marmot, 2003). These disadvantages are embodied by the Social determinants of health, including; economic opportunity, physical infrastructure, and social conditions that influence the health of individuals, communities, and societies as a whole. Inequalities in these are especially evident in education, employment, income, housing, access to services, social networks, connection with land, racism, and incarceration rates (McDonald, 2010). In all of these factors, Indigenous Australians experience substantially lower rates than non-Indigenous Australians, with the most worrying being that Indigenous Australians have a significantly lower life expectancy rate and overall health status, than their non-Indigenous counter-parts. These inequalities, combined with the social attitudes towards Indigenous Australians and their health in contemporary Australian society, contribute to the difficulties Indigenous Australians have accessing adequate healthcare. It is also difficult to provide adequate healthcare for Indigenous Australians as many service providers do not understand how Indigenous Australians conceptualise health. Until recently, there was no separate term in Indigenous languages for health as it is understood in western society (Eckermann, 2010). The traditional Indigenous perspective of health is holistic. It encompasses everything important in a person’s life, including land, environment, physical body, community, relationships, and law. Health is the social, emotional, and cultural wellbeing of the whole community and the concept is therefore linked to the sense of being an Indigenous Australian. This conceptualisation of health has much in common with the social determinants model and has crucial implications for the simple application of a medical model as a means of improving Indigenous health. Whilst the purely medical approach is undoubtedly useful in identifying and reducing disease in individuals, but its limitations in addressing population-wide health disadvantages, such as those experienced by Indigenous people, must be recognised. It is important to remember that policies and practises of the past have had major adverse impacts on the health of contemporary Indigenous Australians, and these impacts have contributed significantly to the inequalities present in Indigenous and non-Indigenous health status. However, whilst health disadvantages experienced by Indigenous Australians are considered to be historical in origin, the perpetuation of the disadvantages relies heavily on contemporary structural and social factors.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Java PROGRAMMING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Java PROGRAMMING - Essay Example In a structured programming language, the outright benefit and advantage is that it helps the programming setup to minimize complexities. This logic and line of thought stems from the fact modularity would help a programmer to solve and confront the problems in a reasonable manner and fashion. It is needless to stress and over-emphasize the fact that once the logical structures are streamlined, the flow would be seamless and thus a programmer would have more clarity when dealing with data (Hughes, 2009). Secondly, there are the prospects of increased productivity because the modularity allows a programmer to work on several different projects concurrently. This is to imply and say that the modules may be engaged and re-used many times, thus reliability and dependability would be improved. Subsequently, time and costs would be saved since it is far much easier to replace the singular modules rather than a huge amount of codes (Hughes, 2009). A practical case and instance of an application is the Java Programming which is an object-oriented language. This stems from the fact that it a language used to serve the purposes outlined above in the name of merits and

Moral testimony Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Moral testimony - Article Example "Moral experts have no need to seek out others' moral expertise, but moral non-experts lack sufficient knowledge to determine whether the advice provided by a putative moral expert in response to complex moral situations is correct and hence whether an individual is a bone fide expert."1 The acceptance of moral testimony has been challenged on the basis that it does not make knowledge available to the recipient and therefore the use of such a knowledge is illegitimate.Before the reasons for this objection are discussed it is worth noting that little academic attention has actually been paid to the idea of whether or not testimony can be a legitimate source of moral beliefs.2 "we should be open to being persuaded by others, responsive to moral argument; but we should not take their word on moral issues, not allow ourselves to be influenced by the fact that they hold a certain view''.if, on the other hand, reliance on moral testimony is legitimate, there will still be questions about the conditions under which it is so". 3 This means that even though it is hard for us as humans to reject or accept moral judgements and considerations subconsciously , we cannot let these considerations to become a part of our analyses in real life. For example my idea that a certain person is "racist" or a "liar" is based on my own perceptions and experiences. When dealing with this person my prejudices will inevitably suffice (even though in a very subtle manner).However any action by a third party based on my views or "moral testimony" should not be relied upon. Even if my moral testimony does form the basis of another party's reaction or action and it is subsequently accepted Hopkins(2007) believes that there should be a more "solid" reason for doing so rather than my own value judgements. It has been further suggested that "moral discourse, for some reason or other, cannot meet the conditions necessary for learning from the word of others. Since the epistemology is wrong, there is no knowledge to be had from testimonial transactions on moral matters."(Hopkins 2007). It is for this reason that it is believed that it would be rather "illegitimate" to let other's claims guide one's moral belief. For example as an employer of a person I might be faced with the moral testimony of the hiring committee that this person has "moral shortcomings" but I cannot base my judgement on these moral shortcomings. Firstly because morality is largely a matter of perception and the evidence offered in this regard will also be based on "feelings" or the personal experiences of the moral expert, and not actual evidence of their shortcoming like theft or irresponsibility on the job. Of course the contrary view in this regards is that in the right circumstances, moral dialogue may meet and fulfil all the criteria of testimonies in general (Hopkins 2007). The problem however remains that moral testimony lies in a standard that only relates to morals and since knowledge is right, testimony does make moral knowledge available. (Hopkins 2007) For a more profound analysis of this issue it is necessary to delve deeper into what the words "moral" and "testimony" entail in

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Parties to the Alaskan Conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Parties to the Alaskan Conflict - Essay Example Furthermore, there have been economic interests and the increasing need for fuel or oil which can essentially prevail over environmental concerns. This issue of drilling in the ANWR also stimulates a number of moral issues, which arise from the dispute between a practical standpoint on the drilling and ecological concerns. The subject of oil drilling in Alaska is a significant source of concern to the local populace as well as the local wildlife. Additionally, this subject also concerns the entire state and the whole continent. However, the number of decision makers involved in the matter is extremely limited, and the public has a minor effect on the final deliberation that can be adopted. Nonetheless, it is barely probable to undervalue the importance of the civic opinion, but it is mainly utilized by the political contenders, the Democrats as well as the Republicans who have the lawmaking and administrative supremacy in America and; consequently, they are real decision makers. The dispute between the Democrats and the Republicans is based on the fact that, the Democrats contest to the drilling while the latter are supporters of the fuel drilling. With this context, the moral question arises: whether the law makers should utilize the drilling in the ANWR as part of their massive political game or, possibly they should permit the public to make the deliberation. In addition, there is the query of whether the local populace should be allowed to decide on this issue. This implies that, the subject of drilling should not be made a political issue. Nonetheless, the subject should be a scientific, ecological research concerning its effect on the ecology. The parties to the Alaskan dispute, consequently, include political contenders, the local populace, regular Americans, the international society, oil companies and ecologists. What are the Triggers of the Conflict? There are varied triggers to the Alaskan conflict the significant ones being the economic benefits ass ociated with the oil drilling, the issue of safeguarding natural resources, as well as political interference. The continuing energy problem, as well as the United State’s battle on terror has also stimulated the subject of fuel supply in the nation. This has, consequently, evoked the dispute with regard to oil drilling in Alaska. Environmentalists assert that the refuge is significant for wildlife. Destruction of this crucial Wildlife Refuge will rip land utilized by polar bears and approximately 180 bird species as well as an enormous number of wandering animals. Oil drilling in this area would defy the entire purpose of the refuge. Styles of Conflict Management In resolving the Alaskan dispute, it is crucial to include all stakeholders in the decision making procedure. The stakeholders include the local populace, regular Americans, government officials and environmentalists among others. The issues of environment always influence people beyond borders and; therefore, it is extremely crucial to include international bodies in the negotiation process. It is also crucial to involve the local populace in the process, although, they will not obtain any economic advantages from the oil drilling. In stark distinction, the local populace and the commonplace Americans will suffer from the degradation of the environment and; consequently, it will

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Science Lab 2 Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Science 2 - Lab Report Example Using MuseLAB, a log will represent the hurricane and separate six red lizards from the main group present in the mainland. Afterwards, the log shifted toward an island distant from the mainland and represented by a wet patch of grass and undergrowth. This shift was another six red lizards to the wet patch of grass and undergrowth. The MuseLAB software will animate the changes in the colors of the two isolated populations as they differentiate in line with the conditions of the new surroundings. Animations of the different colors of both groups of lizards should account for a physical trait capable of being passed down to the next generations. The offspring of the six red lizards maintained their cover in the mainland even after three generations. On the other hand, the offspring of the other group of lizards in the island slowly adopted green bodies after three generations. The six red lizards use this body color to mimic a different species of extremely poisonous lizards within the same ecosystem. The hurricane did not separates these two spaces thereby allowing the offspring to maintain the red color three generations down the line. In contrast, the brown lizards adopted a green body color to achieve optimal camouflage in a surrounding with thick green vegetation and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Reading Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Reading Journal - Essay Example The story continues when Lengel, who is the manager at the supermarket, comes and confronts the girls on their dressing at that time. Apart from being a manager, we are told he teaches at Sunday school to mean that he is a man of God. He condemns their dressing and even insists that it is against the policy of the supermarket to dress that way. That kind of dressing was meant for the beach. Because of this confrontation, Sammy sees this as an embarrassment to the women and in the juncture quits his job, and downs his work tools. This gesture is not noticed by any of the women. Lengel tries to persuade Sammy that it was going to be hard for him to without a job but he listens to none of that and walks out of the supermarket. This story is rich in themes that are outright from the events of the story. One of such themes is that of growing up in life. The story is told of a young man who is in his adolescent age of 19 years. The boy, Sammy, experiences adolescent changes and attraction to the opposite sex. Both Sammy and Stokesie react to the beauty of the women in the supermarket. They react to their appearance in a sensual manner by observing their moves and body features. The women are also in their youth probably the same age as that of Sammy. They dress in a way that the old like Lengel deem indecent but Sammy sees nothing wrong with it. This is shown by the event where Sammy wants to quit his job because he purports that the manager has embarrassed the girls. These issues happen to the youth as they grow up. They fail to distinguish love and relationship issues and end up making choices that are regrettable in a way. Sammy is infatuated with one of the women whom he nicknames as Queenie and he literally stares at her and even gets jealous of the way the woman blushes at Lengel’s confrontations. He is so crazy about the woman that when they have been â€Å"embarrassed† he gets annoyed and

Monday, September 23, 2019

John dillinger Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

John dillinger - Research Paper Example His mother died when he was barely three and his father, an industrious grocer, brought him up in an environment of disciplinary extremes, at times harsh and repressive, but permissive and generous at other times. When Dillinger‘s father married another wife six years later, he became devoted to his step-mother who took care of him as if he were her own son. He went to Public school No. 38 but he became tired of school and quit before finishing grade eight and got a job in a veener mill (Kekionga Press, 6). Dillinger quickly lost interest with the job and he stayed out all night most of the times. Bothered that city temptations would corrupt his son, Dillinger‘s father, moved his family to a farm near Mooresville, Indiana, but this did not change him – he started running wild within no time. He later joined the navy, following trouble with the law (theft) and a break with his father. However, he soon got himself into problems and left his ship after docking in Bost on.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Social revolution and unity (Volksgemeinschaft) by 1939 Essay Example for Free

Social revolution and unity (Volksgemeinschaft) by 1939 Essay To what extent do you consider that Hitler and the Nazis had achieved their aim of social revolution and unity (Volksgemeinschaft) by 1939? Here I will be looking at Hitlers rule in Germany from 1933-1939 where Hitler and the Nazis took up Germany in a state of economic depression after losing World War One, their aim was to create a Volksgemeinschaft; a classless society with unprecedented social mobility and egalitarianism. The American historian Schoenbaum in his book Hitlers social revolution (1960) argued that there where evident changes in the structures of society and in social values, which I do agree with to some extent and I can see evidence to show that Hitlers aim was achieved in certain areas of his economy; but failed in others. To come to an overall conclusion I will be looking at each area that Hitlers rule had major effects on to see how it helped him in creating a Volksgemeinschaft. In order for Hitler to create his Volksgemeinschaft he would need loyal Germans who would follow the Nazi vision. To do this Hitler was focusing on the young by giving them a pro-Nazi education, which indoctrinated them with their ideology and discarded opposing views. 1. In my great educative work.I am beginning with the young. We older ones are used up, but my magnificent youngsters. With them I can make a new world Hitlers aim for the male youth was to create a healthy and obedient class that were fit for war, this evolved their schooling being very physical and P.E took up 15% of a males timetable. The male youths would also learn about military and geography in classes, keeping information guide-lined so that the students would not study subjects that taught them things that might contradict Nazism. From this you can see evidence that Hitler was creating a very fit and military like male youth which was what he wanted for his Volksgemeinschaft The aim for girls was very different however and their education was formed mainly around preparing them to be the perfect mothers and wives, including subjects such as Eugenics which would teach them how to look for the perfect husband-someone of the Aryan race. This also helped to create a Volksgemeinschaft because it showed girls to be mothers and discouraged work. Nazis kept strict observations over the teachers to make sure that they were teaching correctly and had every teacher vetted. Any considered to be disloyal would be sacked, whilst their job role was reduced greatly so that they did not have much power. Even the cleaners wages where higher than theirs. In schools Hitlers views on race and purity was enforced, and children were encouraged to discriminate against the social outcasts (Volksfeind) mainly Jews, Gypsies and homosexuals. Children would learn about how it was the Jewish spies that caused Germanys defeat in WW1, and would have questions aimed at familiarising them with anti-Semitic views. As the youth helped insure the survival of the Nazis, Hitler also made youth groups; these where large communities of out of school clubs that would participate in activities and procedures based around fitness and Nazi ideology. The Nazi youth groups where joined after pledging an oath to the German people and Furher, showing that they where pro-Nazi. This however was not always honest and some youths joined because of the activities and fun that they could get out of it which can be seen in the source below 2. I was, however not thinking of the Furher, nor of serving the German people, when I raised my right hand, but of the attractive prospect of participating in exiting activities away from school and home Which shows that not everyone was convinced by Hitler and truly believed In the Nazis, suggesting that they where not truly successful in this area; although they are keeping the youths fit. In 1934 the youth groups where made mandatory, this rose the figures of attendance dramatically and only excluded non Germans specifically Jews; which made them look like outcasts and enticed youths to discriminate them; which helped him in his Volksgemeinschaft as he only wanted a pure Germen society. Among practical activities the youth groups would teach the children through lectures and song; Splitting the girls and boys keeping the ideological Nazi roles compulsory. The boys would be given military drills and kept in competition with each other, making them flourish to exceed and make their family proud; which seems to have hit the youths mentally as they wanted to win. The children however where kept at the youth groups almost every night and would not have time for school work, which did stop the childrens education but may not have been to bad for the Volksgemeinschaft because he wanted them to stay fit more than intellectual Hitler did however face some mild opposition to the Nazi youth groups with some people refusing to join (until it was made mandatory), and groups such as the Edelweiss Pirates Where formed, these groups did not dare openly oppose the Nazis but would mock them by copying their uniforms and traits. This opposition although very small does show that not everyone was convinced by the Nazis, although many historians said these groups where exaggerated. Looking at the Hitler youth I do think that they where over-all extremely successful in creating a Volksgemeinschaft for the youth; which is partially because they where very impressionable, and did create an obedient and health youth ready for war; although their disregard for intellect suggest they may be lacking in intelligence when it comes to war. Women where important to Hitler in his Volksgemeinschaft because they insured the growth of the population in preparation for war, he wanted all women to fit in the society as mothers and wives of the Aryan race who had many children. To try and encourage German woman to have more children, Hitler made the birth grants and marriage loans higher so that women would have more money to have larger families. He also introduced the mothers cross (Mutterkreuz), this was a series of medals awarded to women the more children they had, with the highest gold medal granted for eight children. This however was not largely successful which can be seen from the evidence that the average amount of children per household dropped from 3.6 in 1933 to 3.3 in 1939, showing women where having less children although the actual population had risen by nearly half a million, suggesting that more women where having children. In universities only 10% of the students were allowed to be female which lowered their education and forced some of them to stay in the house To try and discourage women from disobeying the Nazi views, their where punishments such as higher taxes for women who did not have children, which is evidence that the Nazis couldnt do much to control women as punishing them physically could have led to an up-roar. Hitler used propaganda to show women the ideal German woman; this would include pictures that would show women and the family together, this would show women to have a fuller figure with blonde hair and blue eyes (being a true Aryan) and married to an Aryan German. Here he was also promoting the Aryan families and discouraged marriages to non-Germans, which were eventually banned although there is evidence of unlawful marriages taking place; showing that some women disregarded the Nazis and is evidence towards the Nazis having a pure German society. To ensure that women had many children and stayed at home, women at work were discouraged and their wages where made much lower. However, the amount of women in work had risen from11.48 million in 1933 to 12.7 million in 1939, this is because of Germany preparing for war and they had to have women doing the jobs that the men couldnt do whilst they where away. This shows that the Nazis contradicted themselves and the birth rate would have been affected by this. Looking at women in the Volksgemeinschaft I do not think that Hitler was successful although he did force the Nazi views on many women, this can be seen in education and taxes being changed in the womens favour, making a clear incentive for women. Although you can see that many women ignored the Nazis efforts and women actually had fewer children, suggesting the women where showing some slight opposition by ignoring the Nazis. As well as the Nazis flaw in trying to stop women from going to work where they had to if the country was preparing for war. Hitler saw Christianity and faith as an obstacle for his Volksgemeinschaft and was trying to ultimately remove it, this can be seen in the quote below this shows he only wanted the Nazi worshipped. 3 You are ever Christian or a German, you cant be both One of Hitlers first attempts was the creation of a state supported Reich church in 1933, which was the joining of many protestant churches to create a new religion of Nazi ideas, creating a positive Christianity; which was a term used by Nazi leaders to refer to a modal of Christianity consistent with Nazism. Hitler enforced members of the SA to attend the church meeting and they wanted to restructure Protestantism into a racially based brand of Christianity, including some extremists who would follow with Nazi uniforms and Nazi salutes trying to convince people to this new religion. The new Reich church was not liked by everyone however. This can be seen in September 1933, when over 100 pastors broke from the Reich church and formed their own confessional church because they said that religion could not be based on blood and race. Showing clear opposition Hitler had made Ludwig Muller the bishop of the Reich church, but he became very extreme and tried to make pastors take an oath of loyalty to Hitler, which proceeded to him arresting two protestant bishops causing a public outcry, this embarrassed Hitler who distanced himself from him; showing that the public threatened the Nazis Hitler did not like the Catholic Church as they had power from many parts of the world, which is why he signed a treaty with the catholic pope- Stating that the Catholic Church could not interfere in politics where in return the Catholic Church would not be interfered with by the state. This temporarily removed them as opposition There was some opposition from the people to Hitlers anti-church activities, this can be seen by in Bavaria people continuing to use the traditional greeting of gruss grot (god greet you) rather than the approved heil Hitler Hitler did have some effects on people and religion, one of these was by making Hitler youth groups mandatory by 1936 which would teach the children positive Christianity and Nazi beliefs, abandoning the catholic groups. This would have had an effect on them because they where young and had to do it. Hitler also changed religious education in schools, even removing all crucifixes. Parents where pressured to send their children to state schools and not catholic ones, which did work as in 1935 65% of children attended church schools which dropped to 5% by 1939. This shows many children where forced into this religion Overall I think that Hitler failed to achieve his aims with Christianity. The evidence that some people chose to ignore Hitlers greetings and that the confessional church broke form the Reich however, is clear evidence of opposition even if it is small scale. But he could not change the minds of people (especially mature). For Hitler to change society he needed to make it self sufficient and ready for war, when Hitler rose into power he removed the treaty of Versile which gave him a lot of respect from Germans because it left their country defenceless and in economic depression. For a social-revolution Hitler started with the unemployment rate and was very successful, he gave the unemployed jobs needed to re-build the country (building roads); figures show the number of unemployed was 5,575,500 in 1933 to 302,000 in 1939 this shows he was extremely successful in recovering the economy. The pay and condition however where disliked and although people where grateful to be in work they had no trade union to complain too. To prepare Hitler for war he needed to become self-sufficient (Autarky); although Germany still imported 33% of its raw materials, and the government was in debt of 40-billion by 1939. This shows that they where not successful. The Nazi cultural policy had views on art and preceded with Hitlers preference, Hitler thought that art should be realistic, showing pictures linked to Germany and even used as propaganda. To show what he liked Hitler made the exhibit of great-German-art and of degenerate art, although this was meant to be disliked, statistics show 2 million Germans attended the degenerate exhibition were only 600,000 that attended the German-art. This suggests that the people liked the modern art more and did not agree with the Nazi culture When Hitler rose to power he also created the strength-through-joy (KDF), this was an organisation for leisure in Germany. This imposed cheap holidays that where envied by other countries, sold tickets to concerts and made gyms used by 3 million Germans by 1935, these where very popular and gave Germany a good image. However the cruise-holidays where often used by the Germans to party; which is not what the Nazis intended As part of Hitlers Volksgemeinschaft he wanted to create a master-German race and excluded certain members of society from this (mainly Jews, gypsies and homosexuals) known as the Volksfeind; with no impurities. The Nazis blamed the Jews for losing WW1 and used this justify their actions, the Nazis used propaganda to raise hatred against the Jews, they removed Jewish rights whilst banning them from schools and businesses- even banning marriages between Jews and non-Jews. As more extreme measures began to commence the Jews where stripped of their citizenship from the Reich-citizenship-law; even made to where the Star of David badge, with homosexuals wearing a pink triangle. All of this and other discrimination acts show that the Nazis where extremely effective in excluding the Volksfeind and did create their intended social Volksgemeinschaft. To remove all impurity from Germany Hitler also sought to rid Germany of all mentally disabled and infertile, and tried to justify it to the German people. He used propaganda in education to familiarise people with this: 4 The construction of a lunatic asylum costs 6-million RM. How many houses at 15,000 RM each could have been built for that amount? This quote shows how the maths questions were intimidating Germans to see the mentally ill as Volksfeind, suggesting they where successful. I think that the exclusion of the Volksfeind was the most successful part of the Volksgemeinschaft and Hitler was successful in removing them, which can be seen from him killing the mentally ill and removing the Jews citizenship. Overall, looking at Hitlers attempts at creating a Volksgemeinschaft, I do not think that he was ultimately successful; although I can see evident examples in society where the Nazis had a dramatic impact An example of this was in the social aspect, I think that Hitler was extremely successful in excluding the Volksfeind from society, this was because many Germans where appreciative to him because he had brought them out of an economic depression caused by WW1- getting them jobs, whilst he did keep a very strict lookout over them with his SA helping him to achieve a Volksgemeinschaft. This made many Germans reluctant to oppose him, where the biggest opposition he had came from the Edelweiss pirates and the Confessional Church; plus statistical suggestions that the women where revolting against him by having fewer children. In creating a revolution however, I do not think that he was successful but could have been in the future, this is because he had a very strong impact on youths lives and succeeded in creating very militant youths that where only taught Nazi policies; although the adults could not be convinced in this way and he had little effect on them. Hitler however did have huge failures in the areas of women and religion, this is because the roles he choose for women could not be practised; as they needed women to work in war, and not many people agreed with the Reich Church; having very little effect. Overall, I do not think that he created a Volksgemeinschaft although he could have done if they had time and the community was all born into Nazi rule. 1 Herman Rauschnig, Hitler Speaks (1939) 2 Marianne Gartner, a German girl in one of Hitlers youth groups 3 Hitler in a private conversation in 1933, in Hitler Speaks by Hermann Rauschnig 4 Tests from German maths text books

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Outline the Learning Theory of Attachments Essay Example for Free

Outline the Learning Theory of Attachments Essay Outline the learning theory explanation of attachments. The learning theory proposes that attachment behaviours are learnt through the imitation of the attachment figures meaning they are not innate. One explanation of how this happens is through Classical Conditioning. In the Learning Theory Classical Conditioning is the forming of an attachment through association. The Learning Theory states that when a baby is born they naturally want food. When the mother feeds the baby it automatically associates the food which is the primary reinforces with its mother who is the secondary reinforces. Therefore an attachment is formed with the mother because she is giving what the baby needs most. the mother feeding the baby when the baby cries will mean that the baby learns that crying will get them food which then makes the baby happy, the food is the unconditioned stimulus and the happiness from the child is the unconditioned response the primary care giver is the neutral stimulus, over time the baby will associate the mother with food and the presence of just the mother will make the baby happy, the mother is the conditioned stimulus and the baby being happy to see the mother is the conditioned response. Another explanation of how attachments are learned according to the Learning Theory is through Operant Conditioning. Operant Conditioning involves reinforcement or a reward to maintain a relationship. Dollard and Miller stated that all babies are born with a need to reduce feelings of hunger. When the mother feeds the baby it acts as a positive reinforcement or a reward on the behaviour of the baby. The reward that the baby receives is a positive reward and therefore the baby is likely to repeat the same behaviour to provoke the same response from the mother. This reinforces the attachment bond between mother and child because she is the one providing the food. Dollard Miller (1950) used the term secondary drive hypothesis to describe the processes of learning an attachment through operant and classical conditioning. Secondary drive hypothesis explains how primary drives which are essential for survival, such as eating when hungry, become associated with secondary drives such as emotional closeness. They extended the theory to explain that attachment is a two way process that the caregiver must also learn, and this occurs through negative reinforcement when the caregiver feels pleasure because the infant is no longer distressed.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Assess Your Own Progress As A Student English Language Essay

Assess Your Own Progress As A Student English Language Essay The purpose of this assignment is to encourage you to take a step back from your studies and to assess your own progress as a student. It is directly related to the learning outcome that concerns taking responsibility for your own learning while responding reflectively to tutor feedback. As with Assignment 02, this assignment aims to develop your awareness of the way in which you study and write. It aims to help you to think through your work on the course as a whole, at the moment at which you start to think about what to study next. You should begin by looking back over your previous assignments and your tutors comments on these assignments. (If you do not receive Assignment 06 back in time to take account of it in writing this assignment, there is no need to be concerned: just focus on Assignments 01 to 05.) You should then write a critical review of up to 750 words, examining the way in which you study and write your assignments. For example, you might consider how your skills in reading and taking notes or in planning and writing your essays have developed through the course. How you structure your review is up to you, but in the course of it, you should do the following five things: Identify one or more ways in which you have made progress as a student since starting The Arts Past and Present. (For example, you might describe a skill that you have developed, or a difficulty in studying that you have resolved.) Identify one or more ways in which your approach to study or your study skills could be improved. For at least one of these, identify some different sources of help. Identify one or more strengths that you have as a student. Consider which subject(s) you have most enjoyed studying, and which subject(s) you have got the best marks for. Has the experience of studying the course modified what you thought you would be interested in before you started the course? Do you now have a clearer sense of what youd like to study next? You should support what you say with specific examples taken from your experiences of working through the course materials and writing assignments. You may wish to refer to one or more of your tutors comments on your assignments. Answer: I think my assessor has been fair and just all through my course and her help has been invaluable in my progression. Her guidance and advice as well as support shaped my studies and gave me a solid foundation to work from. She has helped me to achieve so much through the last year without her I would not have come this far and achieved the levels I have. When I look back to my tmas I can see through the assessors comments that I had made some careless mistakes. E.g. forgetting to use capital letters and forgetting set dictionary on UK English, these I have tried to fix and have worked hard to improve on this. My referencing was nonexistent when I started this course and I needed so much work for me to improve, but thanks to my assessors comments I gained a better understanding what references I can and cannot use e.g. discussion groups and have changed the referencing in my essays to more suitable references. In addition, I needed to work on my paragraphs as I had a tendency to use too short a paragraphs. This can be seen in the extract I have selected below from my assessors comments. You`ve made many of these point in your essay, but because you haven`t drawn them together in proper paragraphs, the thrust of your argument is rather dissipated.  Ã‚  Ã‚  I would advise that for future assignments you write the essay, and then look at short paragraphs (if you have any) and see whether they need to stand alone or whether they can tidily be combined with another short paragraph to create a new, longer one.  Ã‚  But don`t go to the opposite extreme and have paragraphs which go on for pages, which is my particular fault and one which my tutors used to complain about!  Ã‚  You also need to watch the format for references and Bibliography, as I`ve indicated on your script. This is a promising beginning to the course.  Ã‚  You have clearly understood what the questions required you to do, and have made some good points.  Ã‚  You just need to arrange your material so as to make the best use of it Myra Cross assessor comments PT3e Tma 01 As you can gather from the assessors comments my work, the paragraphs were so short. However, through learning essay planning I soon learnt how to structure each paragraph to include the correct information needed and they started to form proper paragraphs and became less like bullet points. In addition, one of my other greatest strengths was the fact I could find the information I needed but my greatest flaw was I could not justify the key points. Therefore, I had to spend a lot of time trying to learn how to justify my key points better and I have to some extent rectified this as can be seen by my rising grades. I have made use of information that is included in the assessors comments on each tma to analyse what I have been doing wrong and used this information to help plan and improve on each subsequent tma. As to my essay plans they still needs work so I decided on doing a 10 point after this course in writing fiction this should give me more practice before next 60 point course and hopefully by the time I do the next 60 point course I should have rectified this problem. After reviewing tma06 I Have found a major area I need to concentrate on In the past essays I have cut material to get down to the word limit. I have found this is causing my essays not to read or flow correctly this may work for smaller essays but for larger it effects my grades. I am trying in the future to put rules in place that if I exceeded my word limits by large amount instead of cut and past exercise I rework my plan and rewrite essay to the new plan hoping this resolves this flaw. I have enjoyed this course so much when I started the course it was because I wanted to learn structure and improve my writing skills and AA100 was compulsory course for degree I wanted. Now I am nearly finished I look back and realise I have awakened a love in both arts and history I hope I can use these new loves in my books. In addition, I want to move into the study of the history the goal for my masters is to combine my love of books with my love of history and to research or study history of writing throughout the ages.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Computers and Society :: Technology Essays

Computers and Society More often than not in today’s world you will tend to use computers. Directly or indirectly they have been increasing their influence on our lives from their invention in the 50’s, until the current state of their presence in every aspect of our lives. What before was done on paper, today is done on the same paper, a computer, a copy, and a form to input the data into the computer. The paperless revolution has turned sour. The very purpose of the computer as a business machine -- to reduce clutter, to organize data better and faster, and mostly to reduce the paperwork, has been abandoned for a system dictated to us by the needs of our computers. This is only one way that computers are being misused in our society. Think for example of the regular answer you would get if you call up any beuracratic agency, such as a bank or a government agency, with any problem. The first response would probably involve something like: â€Å"Our computer doesn’t show that record†, or â€Å"The computer doesn’t say you did so and so.† That is also probably as far as you will get to solving that problem. The computer is the perfect cover-up for the clerk on the other end of the phone line. If the computer says so, how can anyone argue? The computer shows no record of such and such a paper, and therefore it must not exist, and that is the end. The clerk need not involve himself in though as to why the record is not in the computer, or how did it get out of the computer, but what the almighty computer tells him is certainly enough. There is not a thing in our lives anymore that is not governed by computers. The computer handles our paperwork, calculates our salaries, grades, our car’s mileage. It is almighty, all-powerful, and definitely not to be argued with. What we do forget in this line of though is that computers and all the information therein is produced and entered by humans, is subject to human mistakes and errors. We do not see it that way. For example, the phrase â€Å"the computer made a mistake,† is commonly used, although everyone knows that computers cannot make mistakes, and the mistake was made by a human. But we believe that the computer is a separate entity, and thus we could say something like â€Å"the computer made a mistake.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Pursuit Of Happiness in A Raisin in the Sun Essay -- A Raisin in th

Throughout Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun, we see the positive and negative effects of chasing the American Dream. Hansberry expresses her different views on the American Dream through the characters and she portrays the daily struggles of a 1950 black family throughout A Raisin in the Sun. In this play, she is able to effectively show the big impact that even small decisions can make on a family. Hansberry shows the many different attachments that come with the fulfillment of this American Dream. Throughout A Raisin in the Sun, each family member has their own pursuit of happiness, which is accompanied by their American Dream. In the play, Mama has her own American Dream that she chases after, which heavily affects the family’s state of being. Mama has to go through many struggles and much frustration while in pursuit of her American Dream (Bloom 17). Mama says, â€Å"Yes, death done come in this house here†¦.Done come walking in my house. On the lips of my children. You what supposed to be my beginning again. You what supposed to be my harvest† (Hansberry 134). She begins to see the harsh effects of what her American dream has done to her children. Mama goes through trials and tribulations to provide a good lifestyle for her children, but neither of them seem satisfied, they both want to accomplish their dreams and aspirations so badly that it blinds them to the reality of what is really important in life. Mama having to carry such a heavy load on her shoulder by trying to hold the family together deprives her of the happiness she once obtained. Mama seems to be the commanding presence and head of the household. She has moral strength and dignity and this is why she is considered the stronghol... the support of the family as oppose to Walter. Each family member has a dream to improve the family situation; however, all of those dreams are depending on one insurance check which begins to cause trouble and tensions within the family (Bloom 18). However, all these dreams are counting on one insurance check to be funded. Throughout a Raisin in the Sun, Each family member has their own pursuit of happiness, which is accompanied by their American Dream. Mama wants to have a better quality of life for her family. Beneatha aspires to be a successful Doctor and an Independent woman. Walter wants to invest in a liquor store and live in luxury. In A Rasin in the Sun, we see that each character goes through their own struggles and frustrations to accomplish their American Dream, but in the end, they all find their happiness within in each other unified as a family.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Latest Development in ICT Essay

1.0 Introduction Meaning of open source software Open source software (OSS) is defined as computer software for which the source code and certain other rights normally reserved for copyright holders are provided under a software license that meets the Open Source Definition or that is in the public domain. This permits users to use, change, and improve the software, and to redistribute it in modified or unmodified forms. Meaning of hardware A computer’s hardware consists of the physical components necessary to operate and interact with a computer. Since a computer’s primary language is binary, devices are necessary to convert our input into that language. The binary code coming out of the computer must also be translated into something usable for the operator. Meaning of software Software is often divided into two categories: 1. System software: Includes the operating system and all the utilities that enables the computer to function. ` 2. Application software: Includes programs that do real work for users. For examples:word processor,spreadsheets and database. 2.0The Latest Open Source Application Software 2.1 Meaning of Open Source OS Open Source Operating System is the most important program that runs on a computer that is free to use, change, and improve the software, and to redistribute it in modified or unmodified forms. Every general-purpose computer must have an operating system to run other programs. Operating systems perform basic tasks, such as recognizing input from the keyboard, sending output to the display screen, keeping track of files and directories on the disk, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers. 2.2 Examples of open source OS a)Ubuntu Linux A user friendly operating system based on KDE, the K Desktop Environment.With apredictable 6 month release cycle and part of the Ubuntu project, Kubuntu isthe GNU/Linuxdistribution for everyone. Improved desktop, updated applicationsand increased usability features arejust a few of the surprises with this latest release. b) Fedora Linux A Linux-based operating system that showcases the latest in free and opensource software. Fedora is always free for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. It isbuilt by people across the globe who work together as a community: the FedoraProject. The Fedora Project is open and anyone is welcomed to join. 3.0 The Latest Open Source Application Software 3.1 Meaning of open source application software Open Source Application Software includes database programs, word processors, and spreadsheets and others. It is free to use, change, and improve the software, and to redistribute it in modified or unmodified forms. 3.2 Examples of open source application software a)Open Office An office application set (for word processing, spreadsheet manipulation,picture drawing and data base access) compatible with all other major officeapplication sets such as Office and available for Windows and Mac as well as Linux and other UNIX systems. b)Squirrel Mail An email application (for reading and writing email through a web clientprogram) supporting IMAP and SMTP and available for Windows and Mac as well asLinux and other UNIX systems.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Philippine Art Movement Essay

Sabel and the Dreamer Mark Justani created an oil painting entitled Abot Tanaw last 1997. In this painting, there’s a flying white kite and a floating person trying to reach for some sort of star in the night sky. The first thing that I noticed was the star the subject was trying to reach. It was quite noticeable because of the use of very bright colors on top of a dark night sky as background. The night sky was painted dark with highlights on the clouds. The subject was painted using bright colors as well. Shapes and lines were not very evident, though. There were no visible outlines on the subject. The only apparent shape was the diamond-shaped kite while the only evident lines were the stripes on the subject’s shirt. The dominant textures in the painting were soft ones, seen on the clouds, clothes and the skin of the subject. These elements of art give the feeling of being in a dream-like state. In the year 2002, Benedicto Reyes Cabrera, also known as Ben Cab, painted Homage to Sabel using acrylic paint on canvas. The name speaks of the subject, Sabel, a woman living in the streets. In this painting, she wears some sort of plastic material covering her body. Her face and hair was painted with brown and black colors respectively and white and grey for the covering on her body. I did not notice any shapes on the painting, yet I saw lines which were the apparent brushstrokes in every part of the subject. She smiles in the painting, drawing my eyes to her face. It was probably day time when this was rendered for the plastic seemed to be reflecting a lot of light. With the bright plastic and bright smile, the painting seemed to impart a warm, happy feeling. The colors used in the painting, Abot Tanaw, were well blended, making it look soft, giving the impression of a vague dream. Using bright colors on the subject made it stand out from the dark background. The absence of strong outlines and the use of light and shadow made the painting look 3 dimensional or realistic. The shadows show the contours of the body parts of the subject, adding to the realism of the subject. The presence of the flying kite on the night sky gives the impression of ironic events that usually happens in dreams since people don’t usually fly kites during the night. Meanwhile, Ben Cab used apparent brushstrokes for his painting of Sable, making it look rough, adding to the character of Sabel, a woman living in the streets. Sabel’s face was painted dark on top of a light background, also lifting it from the background, such as the subject of Abot Tanaw. Her plastic covering had a very apparent reflective texture because of the contrast between the shadows and lit areas, showing some bulkier areas. The covering also had stiff and flowing areas, like folded plastic, shown by both rigid brush lines and curved brush lines. The white plastic stands out from the red background as well. Abot Tanaw whispers â€Å"Dream.† I think what Mark Justani was trying to say that dreaming is the first and biggest step to achieving our goals, hence the nearness of the boy’s hand to the star. Without dreams, we cannot think of the possibilities we want to create for our lives. And to achieve our goals, we must believe in ourselves, as the subject believes that he can float and reach the star. The artwork speaks to me, telling me to believe in myself that I can be as great of an artist as Mark Justani is. I constantly bring myself down when I make mistakes or create a â€Å"bad† artwork because others bring me down as well. They constantly criticize my artworks: â€Å"where’s the other foot,† â€Å"she’s too fat,† and countless more. But, it is because of these critiques that I pursued to become better. The star is our goal, and the floating boy is each and every one of us. Mark Justani made this for us to see that he has reached hi s goal. He wants us to reach for ours too by believing in ourselves. Ben Cab oversteps the boundaries of classical or romantic art, whose subjects are usually beautiful women. He chose a very different muse, a woman living in the streets, using plastic or scraps of waste for clothes. Yet he was able to paint Sabel as real as she can be. Muses don’t have to be beautiful, nude ladies or women of high status. Society always dictates what is right or wrong, beautiful or ugly. I have found myself following these dictations, in art and in myself. I am used to following classical teachings regarding art. My subjects are usually people and animals, and I perfect them according to their anatomy, according to what I see with my eyes. I also dress myself according to what recent fashion magazines tell what is in. I perfect my artwork and myself according to what others see as beautiful. One thing that captivated me was Sabel’s smile. She smiles even though she has nothing. The painting imparts that we can be whoever we are and still be beautiful an d happy, paint whatever we want, see it beautiful and be happy about it. The boy in Mark Justani’s artwork looks a bit unappealing to me because, as I have mentioned, I grew up appreciating classical and romantic artworks. The face in not â€Å"ideal,† as classicists would say, yet I was able to appreciate its very Filipino rendering for it conveys an important message for us Filipinos that we can dream and try to reach for the stars. Sabel’s beauty portrayed by Ben Cab also changed my perception of beauty and happiness. Though I have the feeling that most people would not understand the portrait the way I have seen it, and think of it only as a portrait, it does not lack anything. Even though the subject is a repulsive person in real life, she is still meaningful. Society cannot tell us what we should dream of, how to be beautiful or how to be happy.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Evidence Based Health Promotion Essay

Health promotion has emerged in the last decade as an important force to improve both quality and quantity of people’s lives. Sometimes termed ‘the new public health’ it seeks to support and encourage a participative social movement that enables individuals and communities to take control over their own health. (Bunton,R & Macdonald,G 1992) Health promotion plays an important part in everybody’s life and the lives our children and our children’s children. The purpose of this assignment is to discuss and give justification for evidence based health promotion, some people may ask why we need evidence based health promotion and practice, this paper goes some way to identifying the answer to this question. Health promotion can be defined in may ways, as defined by the World Health Organisation health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over and to improve their health. (www. who. int accessed November 2007) Tannahill (1985) defined health as ‘the process of enhancing health and reducing risk of ill health through the overlapping spheres of health education, health protection and disease control,’ ultimately they all accept that lifestyle and ecological elements play a critical part in any health promotion strategy. The topic of evidence based health promotion is a timely one given the resolution of the World Health Assembly that all members state: ‘adopt an evidence-based approach to health promotion using the full range of quantitative and qualitative methodologies. WHO, 51st World Health Assembly, Geneva, 1998) (www. who. int accessed November 2007) In the past few years significant advances have been made in health promotion to generate readily accessible systematic reviews of evidence on the effectiveness of interventions and programs. The influence of this evidence on policy and practice has, however, been unpredictable and proponents of evidence based health practice are identifying ways to increase the use of research in decisions about health promotion interventions. www. oxfordjournals. org) Health promotion is a process directed towards enabling people to take action and control over their own health, it is not something that is done on or to people, it is done by, for and with people either as individuals or as groups. In Choosing Health (DOH, 2004) the Government insist a positive way forward is to promote and to motivate the nation to make healthier lifestyle choices. Ewles and Simnett (2003) state that health promotion is about raising the health status of individuals and communities – this means improving health, advancing, supporting, encouraging and placing it higher on personal and public agendas. The purpose of health promotion is to strengthen the skills and capabilities of individuals to take action and the capacity of groups or communities to act collectively to exert control over the detriments of health and achieve positive health. Evidence based health promotion assists people in this aim. The response to the current need for evidence has been two fold, on the one hand we have witnessed an increase in the number of published systematic reviews, together with more robust evaluations from the field. On the other hand there has been considerable debate about the nature of evidence and how we can assess effectiveness. Concerns about the possible dominance of a positive methodological agenda and its limited applicability to health promotion have been more fully discussed elsewhere. Signs are emerging that these concerns are being beginning to be addressed. There is increasing recognition of the broad epistemological basis of health promotion research, the value of methodological pluralism and the particular capacity of qualititative methods to provide illuminating perspectives. (www. oxfordjournals. org) Evidence based health promotion asks us, how do we know? who says so? , it is based on inspiration, values, experiences, statistics, data, samples and research. Research is about proving and disproving and is completed to ensure data is valid and reliable; we depend on evidence based health promotion to contribute to the development of our knowledge. It is a crucial means of producing evidence which informs practice, offers guidance and prescription, It makes the practitioner an informed individual who practice is less likely to be questioned as unsafe or unreliable. Government documents are increasingly emphasising the importance and their support for evidence based health promotion such as the document better health Wales in 1998 which covers many areas of health, although some years ago the content is still as relevant today. The dominant model for reviewing health care interventions is that established by the Cochrane Collaboration (1994). This is a bio-medical model, in which the ultimate effectivness of interventions is expressed as ‘hard’ outcomes such as changes in mortality and morbidity and behavioural outcomes. Accumulating scientific proof of the effectiveness of a clinical intervention can be complex and can involve randomized controlled trial’s meta-analysis and undertaking systematic reviews. ( Webb,D 1999) So what are these trials and why are they used? A randomized controlled trial is an experiment with a group of patients which seeks to determine which outcomes are obtained with a particular intervention. Of course it is always possible that a clinical outcome may be a consequence of some factor other than the intervention This possibility is ‘controlled for’ by incorporating into the design of the trial a second group, the ‘control group’ who do not receive the intervention. Patients are randomly assigned to either the intervention or the control group through randomising the allocation of patients to intervention or control groups it becomes likely that factors which might influence an outcome, for example socio economic differences are equally distributed and therefore cancel each other out. The random controlled trial provides the best assurance that outcome differences can be attributed to the intervention and not to extraneous factors. ( Webb,D 1999) Randomized controlled trials are the most rigorous way of determining whether a cause effect relation exists between treatment and outcome and for assessing the cost effectiveness of a treatment. They are used to establish efficiency of a treatment as well as frequency of side affects. This is meant to address issues such as, effects of treatment may only be small and therefore undetectable except when studied methodically on a large scale, also biological organisms are complex and do not react to the same stimulus in the same way, which makes influence from single clinical reports very unreliable and generally unacceptable as scientific evidence. Finally, it is also known and has been proven that when administering the treatment it can have psychological effects on a person this is known as the placebo effect. There are some limits of a randomized controlled trial such as ethical concerns, some might say it is unethical to expose a patient to treatment that is inferior to one already currently available, however some might say how can we progress until these trials are performed and results are found. It is widely acknowledged that random controlled trials are not well suited to explaining how something happens, rather than what happens (Pawson & Tilley, 1997), However, understanding how something was implemented and what effect this has on outcomes, is absolutely crucial to health promotion. Since the late 1970’s Meta analysis has emerged as a powerful tool for synthesising the results of independent trials. In essence, it is an overview of clinical trials in a particular area of treatment, in which the results are presented in the form of numeric summary. ( Webb,D 1999) There are some weaknesses of using this method, one is that sources of bias are not controlled by this. Even if you have a good design of meta analysis if you have a bad study you will get bad results, it can be argued that only methodologically sound studies should be used in meta analysis, a practice called by Robert Slavin as ‘ best evidence meta analysis’. Systematic reviews of the literature on clinical effectiveness are being undertaken to provide clinicians, managers and policy makers with a more efficient means of accessing information about effective interventions. Systematic reviews are intended to provide a synthesis of research findings in given areas and present the results in ways which are manageable, Systematic reviews can seek to establish whether research findings are consistent, can be generalised across target groups and settings or determine whether they vary by particular sub sets (Mulrow, 1995). In addition to the need for systematic reviews to incorporate less stringent inclusion criteria for research designs is the criticism that they have been predominantly concerned with the quality of the research design and have not considered in detail the range and quality of the interventions in each study. (Speller & Webb 1997) Both quantitative and qualitative research test on rich and varied traditions that come from multiple disciplines and both have been employed to address almost any research topic you can think of. To put it simply qualitative data typically consists of words while quantitative data consists of numbers. Although there are clear differences between to two anything that is qualitative can be assigned meaningful numeric values, these values can then be manipulated to help us achieve greater insight into the meaning of the data and to examine specific hypotheses. (www. socialresearchmethods. et) Qualitative data is extremely varied in nature it can include almost any information that can be captured that is not numerical in nature such as interviews, observations and written documents. Another difference between the two is that in quantitative research, the researcher is ideally and objective who neither participates in nor influences what is being studied. In qualitative research, however, it is thought that the researcher can learn the most by participating or being immersed in a research situation. These basic underlying assumptions of both methodologies guide and sequence the types of data collection methods employed. (www. writing. colostate. edu) Research in several countries provides consistent evidence of a ‘theory practice gap’ in health, clear disparities have been demonstrated between the best practice ideals and values that are taught and those actually encountered in everyday practice. (www. eprints. soton. ac. uk) Larsen et al (2002) said it is obvious that almost everyone spontaneously experiences a gap between theory and practice. Theory and practice exist in their own right as two kinds of knowledge, theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge. This statement of relations between theory and practice challenges not only theorists and practitioners but also basic thinking in modern, western cultural circles that has been in place since the enlightenment. The experience of a gap is a social construct, it is a product of history and society. While most of the literature on the subject of theory practice gap sees it as a problem it has been suggested that a positive benefit of the gap is that it can provide you with an opportunity to develop problem solving skills. Eraut et al (1995) offers a more precise typology of theory practice gaps, focusing on different types of knowledge and its implication for use in practice. The ideal and the real world for care delivery, the difference between generic and specific application of theory, the problems of translation and implementation (transfer of learning) and the need to identify the relevant from the irrelevant ( often dependent on the setting and the resources available) Research has shown that there can be many factors involved in causing the gap, such as rapid changes in the clinical setting that affect the nature and setting of care delivery, sequencing of theory and practice, lack of recent clinical experience by nurse educators, lack of collaboration between clinical areas and educational institutions and the need to be an educational generalist who can cover a wide subject range whilst clinical areas are becoming increasingly specialist and even super specialist. (www. who. org) Solutions that have been suggested to bridge the theory practice gap such as an innovative curriculum allowing closer sequencing of theory and practice, improving collab oration between clinical areas and educational institutions. The creation of joint appointments (between education and services) where the role is to facilitate the application of theory to practice, promote effective collaboration between the two services and education: promote research based practice: and facilitate the development of nursing practice. And by using the use of tools such as the skills grid that sets out the knowledge, skills, behaviour and outcomes are linked and supported by research evidence. ( Knight C M et al) Then role of evidence based practice in health promotion has amplified over the years, this is due to the increased amount of evidence available and the willingness of the specialist’s and practitioners, also the need for precision when it comes to health promotion. Evidence based health promotion is an aide to health promotion and an essential part of advancement in the health field. Health promotion, in order to be effective needs both quantitative and qualitative research to best inform practice, even with all the methods of research it still depends on the rigour and the extent to which the investigator is methodical in the collection and analysis of the data and its limitations. Qualitative approaches are able to explore the different meanings that individuals attach to health and to the different variations, given that health promotion is committed to the idea that there are many different definitions of health and that the role of health promotion is to help meet some of the diverse needs and aspirations of different communities as can be seen in the Ottawa chart. (Webb 1999) Evidence based health promotion starts from skills and qualities which many health promoters have already. It complements reflective practice by adding the experience of others, presented in various forms.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Police Misconception

There are many popular misconceptions about police officers. One popular misconception is that they protect their own. What people don’t understand sometimes is that police officers are properly trained, they went to police training and the trainings main goal is to ensure that officers avoid taking unnecessary risks.This means calling and waiting for back-up, and always having a partner when using direct confrontation, the way the media portrays police officers on television, in movies is like their jobs is always about protecting their own and that being a police officer is about power, when in reality police officers are trying to protect us from all the unnecessary violence and keep us safe just as much as themselves. The police officers are just like us going to work to do their responsibilities and returning home safely.A lot of people don’t realize that some police officers put their lives out on the line for them when they do cases like for example catching a mu rder, rapist, burglar, and so forth, their lives are on the line just as much as ours, maybe more. Another popular misconception that is said daily about a police officer is that they’re racist. Police officers being racist are true but not every police officer is racist, some are not. Think about it, there is racism everywhere we go, in schools, churches, stores, clubs, jobs and so forth, you meet a lot of people who are racist, not only police officers.Racism is everywhere in the world, everyone should be aware of that. Lastly, another popular misconception is traffic enforcement. People say that police officers should be arresting criminals and getting them off the streets, not writing traffic tickets but what people don’t know is that traffic enforcement identifies criminals and results in their arrests. When police officers do their routine traffic stops that’s when they find drugs, weapons, contrabands, fugitives, in the vehicles which helps get the crimin als off the street.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Compare abd contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Compare abd contrast - Essay Example ference in the way these people eat, drink, dress, hang out, meet with new and known people, and bury their known ones as well as their day-to-day activities which vary a great deal when one thinks of them in a broader context. Hence the comparison holds solid ground due to the fact that these people, both from the American nation and the Saudi Arabian territories known how distinct and different they are from each other and it is good to know one’s strengths and weaknesses beforehand. The similarities exist within their nationalism and the attitude with which both the societies echo their voices in favor of the patriotism myth. Religion is pretty intrinsic to a culture of a society and in broader sense to a country where its different people carry out their rituals and activities in accordance with the customs and traditions as dictated by their respective religions. Same is the case for the two countries under study here which are basically being compared. United States is a much more developed nation that Saudi Arabia while the latter is an oil-rich state and fundamentally more than 90% of its inhabitants are pre-dominantly Muslims. While the super power nation of the world is more or less comprised of nearly all ethnicities that are found elsewhere, where one can find blacks known as the Afro Americans, the Asians consisting of Indians and Pakistanis mainly and so on and so forth. On the whole, United States of America has a lot of diversity has far as its single basic culture identification is concerned and hence the people obviously practice different religions in accordance with their beliefs and con victions. This paper discusses the comparison between America and Saudi Arabia in terms of their cultural values and religious bases. If one looks at the American distribution of people who have religion apart from that of Christianity, one finds that around 2% of them are Jews, 0.5% are Muslims while similar is the ratio for Buddhists. This accounts for the

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Practice of Teaching in Dyslexic Students Essay

Practice of Teaching in Dyslexic Students - Essay Example It is essential to comprehend that several learning problems come up if the teacher fails to recognise dyslexia at the right time and it makes the teaching inappropriate. Understanding dyslexia as a learning difficulty involves the perception that something is 'wrong' with the learner and here the teacher's focus shifts from celebrating the strengths to identifying weaknesses. Such a perception of the students with dyslexia emphasises the remediation by specialists. However, it is essential to implement resolution by knowledgeable class and subject teachers and supported by specialist help and intervention appropriate to the needs of the students. As dyslexia is a vital problem facing many students in the contemporary educational system, it is essential to have a clear-cut knowledge about this issue as well as the ways to deal with it. It is essential for the educators to make instructional adjustments in order to make the dyslexic students successful in an academic environment. ... In a reflective analysis of the social, emotional and behavioural aspects of dyslexia, it becomes evident that the role of a teacher who caters to the various needs of dyslexic students is essential for the effective teaching practice in the area. Evidences from significant researches on the topic suggest that if dyslexia is not very early identified, it can affect the person in a vicious manner and it can lead from learning to behaviour problems and from behaviour problems to increased learning disability. The specific difficulties associated with the dyslexic students stress the importance of effective measures by teachers in classroom environment. Thus, it is essential to maintain that dyslexia affects the skills of information processing in particular working memory if the student, along with phonological awareness, labelling, rapid naming and the speed of processing. It also results in the failure to develop language and literacy skills to the expected level which in turn limits the access to curriculum in school, continuing education, and employment. Therefore, the teacher has a fundamental role in dealing with the issues faced by the dyslexic students. In the UK, it is currently believed that the dyslexic students process information differently than other children. Thus, if the teacher takes this difference in processing information into account, these students can learn effectively, although perhaps more slowly in relation to literacy. Therefore, this paper makes a profound analysis of how the teacher can make the classroom dyslexia friendly and the lessons more accessible to the student. It also attempts to investigate how structured, multisensory teaching,

About physical therapy Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

About physical therapy - Personal Statement Example My father gave me a simple reply, â€Å"Because they need it.† My father was never a man of many words so I knew that I needed to seek the answer to my question from my cousin. His reply was to set the career path that I would eventually follow. He explained to me that the people in the clinic had all been physically injured either by playing sports, a work accident, or just a stroke of bad luck. Their injury damaged their body physically so they could not move like a normal person would. Pointing out the others who had their arms in slings or casts, and some people with amputated arms, he told me that â€Å"They all need help in learning how to move like a normal person. That is what I help them with.† Since we had time to spare before having to leave, I intently watched my cousin do his job. Trying to understand what exactly it was that he was trying to do for these people. When I asked him what he called what he was doing to them, he responded â€Å"Physical therapy†. I told myself that I would remember those two words because I wanted to be like my cousin when I grew up. So while I spent my time being a voracious reader, I made sure to read as many books as i could about the foundation of a physical therapists career aside from many other book genres that I liked to read. I made sure to spend as much free time as I could throughout my high school years observing my cousin in his workplace. Learning as much as I could and asking as many questions that I could about what he was doing to the patients. I will always be grateful to him for never tiring of answering the thousand and one questions that I kept asking him. I became such a regular fixture at his clinic that even the patients already knew me by name and some even considered me a friend already. When I was not observing at the physical therapy clinic, I spent whatever time I could doing volunteer work for the needy and less fortunate in my city. One of the places that I volunteered at

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Recommendation lettter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Recommendation lettter - Essay Example I would also recommend him because he has excellent emotional intelligence in dealing with learners of diverse races and ethnicities. It is a phenomenon that was apparent particularly in graduate project where he conducted some research on African-Americans and Latinos and discovered that they excel on sciences than arts. Amongst my graduate students, he was the best and his presentation during one of the education conference organized by the university equally revealed his analytical skills and vast knowledge on educational policies. It means if accepted in the field of education, he shall bring immense wealth of knowledge, skills, and professional acumen to improve education standards in the country. I am, therefore, requesting your office to accept this student because his past experiences in the education field is an invaluable addition that cannot be ignored. In case of further inquiries, please correspond with me promptly in the given

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Jack London Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Jack London - Research Paper Example We should study literature because of the understanding it can provide regarding the ways and means people communicate and to identify those aspects of culture and life that are important. At the same time that literature works to expose the inner workings of the human soul, it inadvertently reveals the deeper elements of its author’s understandings. Such is the case with the author Jack London, who lived a life quite similar to that portrayed within his main characters. Although some of his best known works are White Fang and Call of the Wild, each of which convey some of what he learned while exploring the Alaskan frontier, London wrote other stories that reveal a great deal more about his inner character. By investigating what is known of Jack London’s biography, one can begin to trace the deep sense of disconnection London felt in his life and his attempts to use his writing as a means of making the connections he felt were lacking. Regardless of where in the west one laid his head, the late 1800s and early 1900s were a time of incredible change as the country awoke to find itself a great nation. As the resources of the country were being realized, individual men took advantage of the opportunities that presented themselves in order to bring about greater futures for themselves. These transformations, of both the country and the individual, were brought about by other changes as well, such as the growing technology that enabled steam engines to haul freight on rails from the country’s vast interior to the more inhabited exterior regions and the ability to reliably send post from one end of the country to the other. The large-scale transformations that took place as the result of greater technology and new ways of doing business were among the driving forces for bringing about transformations of the individual character of

Monday, September 9, 2019

Impact of multimedia in learning English as a second language Literature review

Impact of multimedia in learning English as a second language - Literature review Example Meanwhile, learning happens as a process rather than an event. This means that for the acquisition of second language to take place, there are series of things that a person should do, as learning a second language will not happen overnight. Mayer (2003) used the cognitive theory to explain the processes that take place in the course of second language acquisition. It was noted that the more interaction a person has with the language being learnt, the better the chances of acquiring it more easily and quickly. Meanwhile, the interactions that a person has with language often differ in potency and impact. For example using the multimedia principle, Mayer (2003, p. 33) explained that ‘the human information processing system contains an auditory/verbal channel and a visual/pictorial channel’. By implication, a person gets an easier grip of a particular language being learnt if provisions are made for all of auditory, verbal, visual and pictorial channels. However, using multimedia such as audio and video easily provides all these channels at a go (Neal, 2006). Based on this, when designing a website for acquisition of English as a second language, it will be beneficial to include audio and video files that wil l provide multimedia learning platforms, rather than use only written and verbal means of acquisition. Neal, L. (2006). Predictions for 2006 — E-learning experts map the road ahead. Elearn Magazine [online]. Available at [accessed 13 February

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Industrial Placement Report Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Industrial Placement Report - Case Study Example It comprises of work orders, scheduling, service requirements, data collection, parts and inventory management, and forecasting of parts and inventory needs. When a piece of manufacturing equipment needs regular servicing, that task automatically appears on a list of work to be done, and a plant technician will perform the work, making a note in the system that it was done, by whom, and when. Engineering department is also recording all variations in production and quality and organizes the remedial actions. I work in the packaging department ( the Department.) In this report 1) I shall give my view, both, on the Department side and on the production (i.e. manufacturing) side of the Company. I will discuss three important elements of a successful operation of any pharmaceutical firm: Quality Assurance (QA), Safety procedures (SP) and, above all, Information Technology. As Information Technology (IT) and automation is involved in virtually every production and quality assurance (QA) process, I shall mention the IT role in individual processes as I will keep describing them further on in this report. The Company produces only tablets and capsules. A high degree of automation exists in the production side of the Company. ... These finished chemicals are combined and processed further in mixing machines. The mixed ingredients may then be mechanically capsulated, pressed into tablets. Our part of the ( packaging) Department works only with tablets, but the Company produces capsules as well. The workers in the Company fall into one of two occupational groups: Production workers who operate drug-producing equipment, inspect products, and install, maintain, and repair production equipment; and transportation and material moving workers who package and transport the drugs. This is the role of our Department. Generally, I can characterize the technology in our Department as being medium-automated. Since the Company has three tablet-producing, fully automated, lines, we are packaging three different types of tablets.For that, our part of the Department has three packaging lines, each consisting of one blister packing machine, one cartoner and an overwrapper. These three units are all connected into a series. The inputs into this three-machine series are: tablets, cartons and leaflets and at the end, as output, comes packaged product, already in cartons with proper labels attached. Then we further pack the cartons into outerboxes. 3. Good Manufacturing and Production Practices There are several major items that we see important in our work space: Generally, working conditions in pharmaceutical plants are better than those in most other manufacturing plants. In the Company, there is a stress on keeping equipment and work areas clean because of the danger of contamination. We work in air-conditioned, well lighted, and quiet place. Health and safety regulations ( to be discussed later in

Saturday, September 7, 2019

The rule in Salomon v Salomon & Co [1897] AC 22 has been described as Assignment - 1

The rule in Salomon v Salomon & Co [1897] AC 22 has been described as one of the corner stones of English Company Law. Discuss the rationale and impact of the decision on company law - Assignment Example Furthermore, through the extension of the advantages of incorporation to small companies, this case of Salomon manages to promote fraud, and the evasion of certain legal obligations. This article explains the impact that Salomon vs. Salomon has had on companies and corporations. On a general perspective, the judgment by the House of Lords was a good decision. This case is recognized all over the world as a good authority, regarding the principle of a corporation being a separate legal entity. Under this case, the House of Lords firmly established that after incorporation, a new and a separate artificial organization comes into existence. Under the law, a company is a distinct person, and it has its own personality, which is separate and independent from the people who created it, invested in it, and those who direct and manage the operations of the company2. From the principles established in this case, the duties and rights of a corporation are different from the duties and rights of the directors, members, or the stakeholders of the corporation. These people are always obscured by the concept of the corporate veil, which normally surrounds the company. A corporate veil refers to a legal concept which is responsible for separating the personality of that of a corporation, from the personality of the shareholders of a corporation. Furthermore, this personality protects the managers and shareholders of a corporation from personal liability of the company’s debts, and any other obligation that the company may face3. However, this protection is not impenetrable or iron clad, and this is mainly because the court can rule that the activities of a company are not conducted as per the provisions of the legislation that guides the operations of a company, or the managers or shareholders of a company were engaged in carrying out illegal a ctivities. Based on these facts, the courts may hold the

Friday, September 6, 2019

Education Problem in Korea Essay Example for Free

Education Problem in Korea Essay A mother gets a headache whenever she comes back home after attending mothers regular meetings, the purpose of which is to get some information about private instruction. Her children keep her as busy as a professional manager. She surveys popular newly opened institutes called hagwon, makes a group for private lessons, chooses instructors and pushes her children to study. When they are asked about their plans for the declining years of their lives, most are not saving for old age. They feel uneasy because they are not able to save money, so some mothers go to work to earn enough for extra instruction expense. Many husbands and wives argue about their childrens education. However, their children dont care about their parents troubles. The children regard it as the natural role of parents, because they are the kings or queens of the family, served by sacrificing parents from birth. Parents seem to allow their childrens complaining. Children dont appreciate their parents because they are not happy with their support. Sometimes they act like robots controlled by mothers orders. They dont have time to talk with family, to play with their friends or to get sufficient sleep. They always hurry to learn something. As for me, I also have anxiety about my daughters private education. There are moments that I want her to push to study a little bit more because I feel worried when I hear how many kinds of extra instruction her friends are taking. But I can calm down my selfish desire by looking at my exhausted daughter. I try to confirm that the most effective result of studying comes from self-studying with strong motivation. Most parents dont wait until their children ask them to help with their studying. Theyre never satisfied. For example, many Korean goose daddies decide to sacrifice their lives by themselves, not by the childrens demands, in spite of the struggle with loneliness after they send their families to a foreign country. These days, many ordinary families without sufficient finances are planning for their children to study abroad despite the huge cost. They probably need to squeeze their budget or even borrow the money. Are their precious sons and daughters going to thank their parents in the future? Will their parents be satisfied with their children later? I wonder how great their outcomes will be. In addition to problems within families, there are many side effects with private education at school, which are usually from the studying burden. They learn the material they need in advance in hagwon before they learn it at school. Many math teachers in middle school become upset while they are teaching theorems or concepts. Some students dont concentrate on the lesson because they are under a delusion that they already know everything. Actually, they cant solve even the easy and basic problems when slightly changed. What is the investment of the money and time for private lessons for? Math teachers say the incomplete knowledge spoils the students ability to think. In English class, there are several fluent students with native pronunciation gained in English speaking countries. However, sometimes teachers are upset when they are very quiet and never volunteer for the class because they dont want to be victims of cynical teasing from their friends. The students high-leveled from private education tend to be bored during class. Another big problem is about the students who have a kind of mental disease, some of who are extremely offensive and some who have abiosis without any interest in anything. Their attitude is usually caused by the pressure of studying and of too high expectations compared to their ability. Koreans all know that economic growth is based on educating for the future generation. Korea doesnt have enough natural resources, so we need to develop knowledge and skills. The government nowadays wants to increase autonomous high schools for competitive system to build up superior talents. But parents are not likely to reduce the private education. We hope the government listens carefully to what the citizens say. For instance, English teachers need small classes according to students levels in order to achieve the aim for English-speaking class. Parents and teachers dont want epoch-making policy, but just one step in the development of education policy. Korean parents need to remember this truth: their investment in children who dont have self-motivation might waste their money, their time and their energy. Id like to advise parents to give their children a chance to choose what they want, and to wait until they are eager to study what they need. Also, I suggest they should ignore their neighbors private education, not public education.